Meditate Like a Monk. Without the Mountain.

It's never been this easy to quiet the chaos and achieve all the benefits of a clear mind.




The Sensory Deprivation, One Minute Meditation Meditation

It’s the fastest, easiest way to eliminate stress and achieve inner peace, clarity, and creativity!

 Imagine…. You spend less than 20 minutes learning a method that you immediately use in less than one-minute to return to your greatest source of power - your own energy.

Here’s what is possible in less than one-minute:
You connect so deeply, so quickly to your core that you are no longer agitated.
You have full clarity of everything happening around you, and in your mind.

What happens next is:
You stop questioning yourself because you have instant clarity.
Your pride, confidence, joy, and overall ability to remain centered skyrockets.

With this brand new approach to mindfulness, you’ll immediately enter the deepest state of zen possible in moments, without wasting another second having to meditate (or worse, trying to, and failing!) It’s science based, sprinkled with a little energy medicine, and it works!


 Here's the TRUTH....
Most people who try and meditate, can’t.
Those who can, spend much of their time striving for bliss.
Worse yet…
We think we need to stop our lives and set a timer to achieve the benefits of meditation.
I get it…
Meditation teachers preach, “if you don’t have 20 minutes to meditate, then you need an hour.”

I’m here to tell you, it’s not about the time.

It’s about the state of your nervous system when you start.


Our sensory processing and nervous systems are often on alert.
Not knowing how to tame these alerts, our mind won’t connect with our highest source of spirit and wisdom.

In Brainy Terms:
The greatest clarity, inner peace, and insights happen in a theta brainwave state.
But first we move through the alpha state of focused relaxation.
Many people can’t get through the threshold of alpha state to enter deeply and quickly into a theta state.

Instantly entering a theta brainwave state is what this method teaches.

We get to maximize time and quickly reap the benefits of meditation in just a few minutes a day.

Instead of needing 20 minutes to find centeredness, we’d only need 1 or 2.

Better yet…
Within a week, you’ll be able to think your way into a calmer state in seconds.

Creatives and busy entrepreneurs need mindfulness techniques that can be done in less time, not more, and most important - efficiently.

And parents - well, we just need something to replace those deep breaths that never seem to work.


 Stephanie's meditation technique calms my mind and my body more quickly than any others I have worked with in the past twelve years.
The Sensory Deprivation One-Minute Meditation Method helps me drop into a deep meditation quickly and easily. After twelve years of meditation and intensive training in three different meditation techniques, this method is my everyday go-to!
Oftentimes during my long writing and choreography sessions I need to take a break and re-center myself. Stephanie's meditation technique helps me drop-in quickly, get in touch with my intuition & creativity, and get back to work!

Asheligh Renard, Author of Swing & Founder Renard-McGillen Author Services


Master your mind


By manipulating the senses it increases the benefits of meditation by 200%, decreases meditation time by 75%, while rewiring the brain to naturally be less stressed.

This isn't another guided meditation program.

It’s a method that teaches you how to instantly turn-off your thoughts and turn-down your nervous system.

Instead of meditating to get into a calm state, you’re already there, maximizing time, energy, and potential.



What I love most is this method is it's totally do-able today! Once you’re in the class, within about 20 minutes, you learn exactly how to drop into that beautiful space, that zen you are seeking TODAY.

Not only is this for moms, but for dads, too. My husband immediately was able to drop into that meditation zone along with me and enjoyed watching Stephanie's short videos together.

Not only that, I was able to get my overtired three year old to calm down in about 3 seconds using a piece of Stephanie’s method. The process works for so many things! It’s absolutely beautiful.

This method is for everyone! You won't be disappointed.


Life Changing, Family Changing


In one-minute’s time


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As a Mom of a special need’s child, I have very little time to focus on me. I absolutely love that Stephanie has taught me a way to meditate that allows me to quickly address my overwhelm and anxiety. It’s my go to on crazy days and I immediately feel calmer. It truly allows me to shut down the sensory overwhelm and find my calm within myself. Since beginning to meditate, my sleep has been so much deeper, and I awake feeling refreshed.

- LINDSAY MELDA, MOM (and so. much. more!)


 More results

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 The secret

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Sensory Deprivation Meditation is a science-based approach to meditation that deliberately turns off certain senses and intentionally turns up other senses.

By manipulating the senses, we are able to drop directly into a slow state in one-minute’s time.


You get to

Learn the exact method to biohack your mental and emotional responses.

  • Without shaming yourself for not getting it right

  • Without attending a meditation group or meetup
    The core lesson is less than 20 minutes.
    All the content together is just over an hour.
    Because life-changing techniques don’t have to be hard!


Minimal Time Investment

This isn't one of those programs you need to invest days into trainings, and never complete.
The video training are so succinct, STARTING RIGHT NOW, you'll be able to:

✨ Drop into a state of connectedness in one-minute’s time

✨ Reprogram your nervous system so you reap long-term benefits of meditation

✨ Reduce stress so your creativity flows

✨ Learn the process of sensory deprivation in order to incorporate this technique into all your mindfulness practices (including my favorite, breathwork!)



A 75-minute online, self-paced course teaching you how to deliberately turn-off certain senses while intentionally amplifying other senses to enter into a state of conscious connection and clear focus without wasting time trying to turn-off your thoughts.

We live in a high sensory input society and mindfulness is no longer a luxury, but a need.
This is the newest, easiest path to meditate quickly and get on with your day. It's guaranteed to change your life, and your business.

Created by Stephanie Dodd, M.S., a pisces ennegram 4. My feelings have feelings, those feelings have baby feelings. I’m right here with you.
