Sensory Deprivation, One Minute Meditation
Sensory Deprivation, One Minute Meditation
Sensory Deprivation Meditation - Live talk 4/2019
The Good Mom Conundrum
FB Live: Even in Discomfort, I am Safe
Nourishing Creativity to Live a Vibrant Life
Honoring Your Energy as an Entrepreneur & as a Mom
FB LIVE: Important LIfe Lessons Learned 1 Year after Launching my Book!
FB Live: Creating a Parenting Focus Point to Fine More Time as a Mama
FB Live: What appearance on the outside say self-esteem on the inside
Flow From Hectic to Harmonious During the Holiday Seasons with Laura Thompson Brady
Calming our Overwhelm via the Triple Warmer Meridian (Perfect for moms + kids!)
Energy Boost via the "3 Mile Point"
Bedtime Routine with Energy Work and People who Love You
Releasing Blocks to Personal Transformation
Nurturing You 2015 Summit - Rewrite Your Beliefs
EFT Tapping Basics
The Importance of Nutrition While Taking Natural Remedies, with Sara Outlaw
EFT Tapping for Physical Pain
Free Conscious Nightttime Parenting Webinar
Daily Energy Routine for Moms who are Always Tired
Correct Alignment for Moms to Increase Energy
The Foundations of Sleep Coaching with Best Selling Author, Kim West
Healing, Delicious, Immune Boosting (homemade) lemonade
Releasing Kids Energy for Better Sleep (and moods!)
Simple Steps to Use Non-Violent Communication to Increase Connection in your Relationships
Shifting Biology and Beliefs at Once
Childhood Immunology and the Science behind Getting Dirty
The Biological Connection at Birth, and Beyond with Bruce Lipton, PhD
Rewrite Subconscious Programming Quickly with Bruce Lipton, PhD
Life Lessons with Jay Paterno, Author & Son of Legendary Coach, Joe Paterno
Popular Blogger, The Orange Rhino, taps away fear in 2 minutes (maybe less!)
see all videos