How To Rewire Your Brain for Greater Happiness

If there’s one thing I do for ALL my matrix reimprinting clients, it’s the reimprinting part! And that’s where we take a picture that we created to be the best possible picture possible (after cleaning away the negative, of course!) and we bring that picture into the crown and allow it to spend time processing through all the neural pathways. And we ask that the synapses reconnect with this new information. And we send it out to all the cells in the body. Because like this article says, “The brain is old-school. It’s like a cassette recorder. You record the song by playing it.” That’s as if to say, every time you replay a memory, you are recording it like it just happened. And so, when we de-press our memories and the associated emotions, it remains in-tact with the latest version. I can show you have to rewrite your memories so you may rewire your brain for greater happiness.

This article is a great jumping point. If you’d like to learn more about the work I do, sign up now and never miss your happy healing moment.