Meditating When I Can't Seem to Meditate
If there’s one parenting truth I know without a doubt, but, or hesitation it’s this…. When I take time to fill my zen cup through meditation everything shifts. And yet, finding that time with kids home and busy demands of life can be daunting. Sometimes I’d rather do anything else. Meaning, I’d rather catch some zzz’s, of course. And still, I want the benefits. Meditation raises my energetic vibration. Even a “bad” meditation where I feel like I’m chasing thoughts until I’m tired produces a welcome shift. And when I parent from a place of a higher vibration, my children reap the rewards. They sleep. Period. Shouldn’t that be enough right there to take time every day to meditate?
I’ve flirted with a meditation practice for a few years, but really in the past 6 months I’ve meditated more than I have in my past 30 some years. And I still have days where it seems like I’m going nowhere. Take today, my thoughts were flowing all over the place and I peeked at my timer to see 10:23 left on the clock! Not even half way though. Holy bee geez zoo. What I am going to do? And I kept on. And in those last two minutes I found my peace. As I quieted my mind and I listened within, I heard the words, “You are strong”. And that was exactly what I needed to hear. So when my timer went off two minutes later, you’d have thought I was revealing in that knowledge and that thought. And no, my first thought was “thank goodness it’s over!” Some days that’s how it goes. But as I listen to the quiet house with the kids peacefully asleep, I know it’s not just what I needed, but what is benefiting to them as well.
Talk to me. When you can’t find the inner quietness during your meditation time, what is your inner dialogue saying? Do you continue on and how do you get the motivation to sit again the next day? Get the conversation going here.